The Labor Pains of Creativity

I'm like a hive of eggs walking around
bumpy with pregnancies

My experiences collect the honey
My ideas are hatched
by the heat of imagination
incubated in passion

My eggs are in various stages of growth
ready for different times of birth

Some are twins
not identical, but opposites
called Con-flict
neither one will allow birth

Then there are
my identical twins
named Con-form
Each conning their form
to remain form-less
Refusing earthly life
swallowing me
Bearing me down
with their symbiotic dependencies

Having the labor pains
but no delivering

realizing only I can liberate myself
from the greedy needs
of them, me

So pregnant with myself
with the bustling voices
of my hive

Wanting to give birth
Cut the cord
Break the shells

that my hive is larger than i
I must wing my powers
Must deliver
or - be poisoned by my own unborn.
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld